ભારતનું બંધારણ (Indian Constitution) Test - 8
Topic -મૂળભૂત અધિકારો Fundamental Rights
Total marks 30
પાર્ટ - 1
Level - Medium to Advance
Hello friends. Today's test is about fundamental rights, a very important topic in the Indian Constitution. Of which the most questions have been asked in all the competitive exams so far. So the next beam to be taken is Secretariat Clerk, Junior Clerk. This topic will prove to be very important for all the exams like A TDO, Deputy Mamlatdar, DYSO, Deputy Chitnish.
This test includes all the questions that can be asked about the right to equality. The level of attest is also kept a little difficult so that this test can be useful for all the students.
The answer key is also placed at the end of the test so that if the question is wrong, it can be read and revised.
Why is a right called a fundamental right? The right which is given to the citizens by the constitution due to the fundamental and unavoidable claim in the life of the person and which cannot be changed even by the states. Which is called 'Madut Adhikar'. Fundamental rights that are essential for the moral, spiritual and spiritual development of citizens. Without it, China cannot develop on its own.
On this basis, it is necessary to live a good life with full development, freedom and equality of human personality and to pave the way for the establishment of a society free from exploitation and without it a member and progressive society cannot be imagined. This right belongs to the owner and is supported by anyone without any discrimination. The constitution itself ensures that. The government itself cannot break these rules. The process of enforcing fundamental rights is enshrined in the Constitution. The right to declare fundamental rights is a fundamental right in itself under Article 32 and if a person is not given this right he can go to the Supreme Court and the Liaison Court. A democratic country in which every citizen should have the opportunity of equal responsibility, development of the whole person.
Thank you