બંધારણ દિવસ નિમિત્તે quiz Bandharan Divas Quiz Kayda divas quiz 2024

 બંધારણ દિવસ કવિઝ 2024

ભારત દેશના નાગરિક તરીકે ભારતીય બંધારણ વિશે તમે કેટલું જાણો છો???? 

The Constitution of India is the Supreme Constitution of India, which was passed by the Constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949 and came into effect from 26 January 1950.  This day (26 November) has been declared as 'Constitution Day' of India. While 26 January is celebrated as 'Republic Day' in India.Bhimrao Ambedkar is the head of the Indian Constitution.  The architect or builder is called.The basic basis of the Constitution of India is considered to be the Government of India Act 1935. [6] The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution of any republic country in the world.


To make India a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic, and to secure to all its citizens: justice, social, economic and political, freedom of thought, expression, belief, religion and worship, equality of status and opportunity, and  Resolutely determined to increase the fraternity which ensures the unity and integrity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation, in this Constituent Assembly today, on 26th November, 1949 AD (Mitti Margashirsh Shukla Saptami, Samvat two thousand six Vikrami), hereby adopt this constitution.  Adopt, enact and surrender.

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