Trees are our best friend Paragraph Writing Std 12 English / Class 11, 12 English essay writing

                                Trees Are Our Best Friends

                     "Trees are the lungs of our Mother Earth" 

    It is true that trees are a great boon(વરદાન) to mankind(માનવજાત). They are quite connected with human life. Without trees, we can’t imagine human life. It is said that, 
                           “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” 
Trees are our true and best friends. They are very useful to us in many ways. They keep the environment clean and beautiful. They take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. They also keep the temperature down and soil fertile(ફળદ્રુપ). Trees are our natural wealth(સંપતિ) so we must not cut them down.  It is truly said that..
    “Trees are like saints -We throw stones, they give us fruits.”
We should not let anyone cut down a tree. If we cut down trees, our life will be in danger. Without trees, the soil is washed away and the land loses its fertility. There isn’t enough rainfall so the rivers will dry up. The deserts are expanding and birds and animals are dying. Trees give us fruits, vegetables, flowers, gum, rubber, medicine etc. They also give us wood for fuel; paper is also made from the trees. Timber is also used to build houses and make furniture. Trees also give food and shelter for birds and animals. Thus, we must understand the value of the trees.
    It is good matter that the government has realized the importance of trees. So a tree plantation programme known as “Van Mahotsav” is held every year. We must not forget the wise saying. 
                    “Save the trees and the trees will save you.”

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