English Grammar Test - 12
Topic - The past continuous Tense
(ચાલુ àªૂતકાળ)
Total marks - 25
Level - Medium to Advance
Hello Friends... today we have a test of english grammar on the topic The Past Continious Tense.
there are 25 mcqs on the above Topic. I hope It will help you in every competitive exams like bin sachivalay clerk, talati cum mantri, junior clerk, dyso, sti, senior clerk etc.
Read the following steps to solve all the mcqs on The past Continous Tense.
Structure :- Subject + was/were +Verb (ing) +Object + O. W
Subjects - You , We, They, Plural Nouns - Were
- I , He , She, It, Singular Nouns - Was
Key Words - at that time yestesday, any particular time in Past Tense.
Structure of When ( When generally follow The simple Past Tense)
1. When + Simple past Tense + Past continuous Tense
2. Past continuous Tense + When + Simple Past Tense
Structure of While : -
1. While + Past continuous Tense + Simple Past Tense
2. Simple Past Tense + While + Past continuous Tense
All the Best for Your Test....
01 . What __you__? I was watching T.V.
Was , doing
Were , doing
Is , doing
Are , doing
02 . We ___breakfast when she walked into the room.
Are having
Were having
03 . I __still__when the waitor took my place.
Am , eating
Are , eating
Was , eating
Were , eating
04 . Rohan ___a book when he heard a noice outsides.
Was reading
Were reading
Was read
Are reading
05 . When I came home last night , my roommate___ar the neighbour.
Was yelling
Were yelling
Is yelling
06 . She hurt her hand while she __basketball.
Was played
Were playing
Is playing
Was playing
07 . I ___in the pool when I saw her coming towards me.
Was swimming
Am swimming
08 . Ravindra ____the wall when he heard the phone ring.
Is painting
Was painting
Were painting
09 .Grandma____her grand children about her experience , when her oldest grand child asked a question.
Was telling
Were telling
10 . It _____when I went out.
Is raining
Was raining
Were raining
11 . While she ____her scooty , she remembered the key.
Was starting
Were starting
Is starting
12 . The students ____when the principal entered the class.
Was talking
Were talking
Are talking
13 .What___you__yesterday evening?
Was , doing
Did , doing
Were , doing
Is , doing
14 . My brother ___T.v all the night yesterday.
Were watched
Was watched
Was watching
15 . Lakhan was singing a song while Rahul____a song.
Was listen
Were listening
Was listening
16 . My mother burnt her finger while she ___.
Was cooking
Were cooking
Is cooking
17 . Our teacher ____sanskrit yesterday at 9:00 am.
Was tought
Were teaching
Was teaching
18 . I saw an accident while I____the road .
Was crossing
Were crossing
Am crossing
19 . When he came to my house, I___ a novel.
Am reading
Was reading
Were reading
20 . Yesterday at that time I ____a letter.
Am writing
Was writing
Were writing
21 . What ___you__yesterday when I phoned you??
Did , doing
Was , doing
Were , doing
Are , doing
22 . I found lots of boys ___cricket , When I went to the playground.
Was playing
Were playing
Are playing
23 . Everyone____their notes when the teacher entered the class.
Was writing
Were writing
Is writing
24 . The light went out while I____.
Am reading
Was reading
Were reading
25 . It started to rain while they ____cricket.
Are playing
Was playing
Were playing
Thanks a Lot.
Wish You all the Best For Your Preparation.
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