Std 9 English
Poem - 2 The Useful Plough
Questions - Answers
Read the following stanzas and answer the questions.
(1) A country life is sweet
In moderate cold and heat
To walk in the air, how pleasant and fair,
In every field of wheat. The fairest of flowers adorning the bowers,
And every meadow's brow;
1. Write the rhyming words in the stanza.
Ans. heat-wheat
2. What does the poet say about a country life?
Ans. The poet says that a country life is sweet.
3. What does the poet say about the weather in a country?
Ans. The poet says that cold and heat in a country are moderate.
4. What does the poet enjoy in a country?
Ans. The poet enjoys walking in the pleasant and fair air of the wheat fields.
5. What makes the bowers and meadows beautiful?
Ans. Flowers make the bowers and meadows beautiful..
(2) So that I say,
no courtier may Compare with them,
who clothe in grey.
And follow the useful plough.
1. Write the rhyming words in the stanza.
Ans. may-grey
2. Who does the poet refer to when he says 'who clothe in grey'?
Ans. When the poet says 'who clothe in grey', he refers to the farmers.
(3) They rise with the morning lark,
And labour till almost dark;
Then folding their sheep,
they hasten to sleep:
1. Write the rhyming words in the stanza.
Ans. lark-dark
2. When do the farmers wake up?
Ans. The farmers wake up early in the morning.
3. How long do the farmers work?
Ans. The farmers work till evening.
(4) Next morning is ringing with birds that On each green, tender bough.
With what content and merriment Their days are spent,
whose minds are bent To follow the useful plough!
1. Write the rhyming words in the stanza.
Ans. bough-plough, merriment-bent
2. What makes the morning pleasant for the farmers?
Ans. The sweet singing of the birds makes the morning pleasant for farmers.
3. How do the farmers spend their life?
Ans. The farmers spend their life in content and merriment.
4. What do the farmers like to do?
Ans. The farmers like to plough their fields.