ભારતનો ઈતિહાસ ટેસ્ટ - 4 Indian History test Bin sachivalay.clerk talati junior clerk police gpsc

ભારતનો ઈતિહાસ ટેસ્ટ - 4 

Indian History test 

Binsachivalay clerk talati junior clerk police gpsc 

Total Marks - 15 

Level - Medium 

At once Kach appeared before the master. When Devayani asked him why he was late, he said, "The asurs killed me, cut my body into pieces and fed the wolves and jackals with them. When the great saint, your father, summoned me. I came out of the wolves and jackals, tearing their bodies, and now I stand before you."How did Kach Shukracharya? appear beforeAns. Shukracharya silently said the secret mantra and at once Kach appeared before him.

What happened when Shukracharya said the secret mantra?ns. When Shukracharya said the secret mantra, Kach tore the bodies of the wolves and jackals and came out and stood before Devayani.

ach continued to live with Shukracharaya and Devayani. But the asurs did not keep quiet. One day Kach was in the jungle collecting flowers when the asurs caught him. They killed him and grinding his body into a paste, they mixed it with the waters of the ocean.Devayani was again in despair when Kach did not return from the jungle.

She told her father that she would not wish to live unless Kach was brought back. Again Shukracharya, with his magic spell, brought Kach back.What did the asurs do with Kach? Ans. The asurs killed Kach, ground hist body into paste and mixed it with

the waters of the ocean. When Kach did notreturn, DevayaniAns. When Kach did not return, Devayanwas in despair.

What did Devayani tell her father? Ann, Devayani told her father that she would not wish to live unless Kach was brought back

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