ગુજરાતનો ઇતિહાસ ટેસ્ટ- 7 gujrat no itihas

 ગુજરાતનો ઇતિહાસ ટેસ્ટ- 7 

gujrat no itihas test 

Total Marks - 15 

Level - Medium 

The famous Russian writer Anton Cherboff was born on 2-1-190 in a Russian peasant family.  As a child he witnessed and experienced terrible socio-economic inequality.  That is why he narrated these unbearable tortures in his literary works and presented them to the world.  His creative power is reflected in his novels as well as in his plays.  Humor is found in his novels while plays written by him are tragic.  His specialty is simple and easy writing style.  His ability to reveal the mystery of the story instructively is wonderful.  ‘The Lady with the Dog’,

 ‘The Chameleon’ etc. are his world famous stories.  His unique short stories and plays are becoming milestones in European literature.  E. of this legendary playwright.  He died in 1908 at the age of only 9.  This friend of Gorky and Tolstoy became the "king of Russian literature" in his short life.  His point of view was humanitarian.  He had no shortage of respect.  He had immense affection for his country and its people.  That's why Tolstoy told him: "You're a real Russian, one hundred percent Russian."

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