ગુજરાત નો ઇતિહાસ ટેસ્ટ - 10 / Gujarat no itihas test / Clerk Talati Junior clerk police

ગુજરાત નો ઇતિહાસ ટેસ્ટ - 10 

Gujarat no itihas test 

Clerk Talati Junior 

clerk police

Total Marks - 15 

Level - Hard 

A final selection list will be prepared.  When preparing the selection list, when two or more candidates have the same marks (1), the date of birth of the candidates was taken into consideration.  By date of birth

 The older candidate will be given first preference.  (3) If both the marks and the date of birth are the same then the height of the candidates should be taken into consideratio


The first preference will be given to the candidate whose height is higher. (2) If the marks, date of birth and height are the same then the marks obtained in the Higher Secondary Examination of the candidates or in the examination before Std-12 recognized by the Government of Gujarat will be taken into consideration.  The first choice to the candidate whose marks will be higherandidate will be given only (2) marks, date of birth, height and higher secondary examination or the marks obtained in the standard equivalent examination approved by the Government of Gujarat.

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