Gujarat no itihas (History of gujrat)Test - 4
Topic - મૈત્રક વંશ
Total Marks - 30
Level - medium to Advance
Mitra Kale is considered to be a very important time in the history of Gujarat in which various kings were born including the very powerful king Dhruvasen II Dharsen IV and various kings like Shiladitya with Mit Harshvardhan so that history is very important in the Maitrak dynasty which brought a new bloom. Events are seen along with Maitrak dynasty other dynasties also emerge and Mitra Kanthe is the first dynasty of Solanki dynasty and along with Chavda dynasty Maitrak dynasty plays a very important role so that Maitrak dynasty is seen in various forms in the history of Gujarat and its history. A very important contribution is considered to be the various tests taken by the exam media which have a history of Gujarat or India or science and technology or general science or Gujarati literature or computer which is put through various test examinations which you can Competitive exams can be very useful and through the test you can also measure your growth and at the same time the test is very important during the promotion of the exam. Plays a part in if you want to get good marks or if you want to pass on a good rank then one for it.
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