Std 10 English
Unit 2 The Human Robot
Short Notes
Write a Short-Note on the followings by answering questions :-
1. Ram Singh - 070 : The Human Robot
Questions :-
(How was the robot
? or What
was the colour of the robot ? - What could the robot do ? or For What The robot programmed for? - What were the three principles of the robot
? - For what was the robot efficient ? - What did he steal
for his mastert Prem Chopra ? - What happened at the end ?)
Answer :-
Singh was a metallic blue robot. He was perfectly programmed to function in the
household, cleaning and arranging. He could collect groceries from the super
market. He could also mail letters. He could also relate TV programmes and
select news from the paper. The robot had an in-built system of three
principles : 1. The robot will obey his master, 2. The robot will not harm
humans. And 3. The robot will not take harm to self. Ram Singh robot was thoroughly
efficient, with tremendous speed and accuracy. He was owned by Prem Chopra. He
stole expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones for Prem Chopra.
Finally, he was caught stealing precious gems. In the court, he chose to break
apart instead of telling a lie, hurting human beings or become unfaithful.
2. Ram Singh - 070 : The Thief
Ram Singh was a metallic blue robot. Prem Chopra was the owner of the robot. He stole many precious things like expensive antiques, ornaments and precious stones for Prem Chopra. Prem Chopra told him to pick up a necklace at Gopal Jewellers. One day, Ram Singh – 070 stole a bunch of expensive Afghani grapes. He was seen by a fruit-seller. Prem Chopra told him to steal precious gems from Jhaveri Brothers one day. The Police caught him stealing gems with computerized cameras.
3. Conflict of Ram Singh-070 with Itself.