Current Affairs
last 6 month (Special Gujrat)
છેલ્લા છ મહિનાનું કરંટ અફેર્સ
ગુજરાત સ્પેશિયલ
Bin sachivalay clerk ,
talati junior clerk police
If the details in the application are found to be incorrect or inconsistent at the time of verification of the certificates, then the application of the candidate and the candidature / selection / appointment will be canceled. Without any verification of the details filled online in the application form, the Board will allow the candidates to enter the competitive examination by making provisional admission for the prescribed competitive written examination for this post. Will be.Written Competitive Examination System and Selection Process This advertisement will be a written competitive examination of optical marks reading (OMR) system with objective
questions as shown in the next paragraph. OMR with these objective questions. The written competitive examination of the system will be organized by the board. The examination program will be published separately. For this, the candidates are advised to keep an eye on the website of Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection BoardAll the instructions regarding written competitive examination as well as subsequent instructions are sent to the registered mobile number of the candidate by SMS. Will be given from. Therefore, the candidate must indicate the mobile number in the relevant column in the application form. And until the entire recruitment process is complete, maintaining a mobile number is inevitable. If the candidate does not receive notification via SMS due to change or closure of mobile number or any other reason.