ભારતનું બંધારણ ટેસ્ટ - 4 Indian constitution Test 4

ભારતનું બંધારણ ટેસ્ટ - 4 

Indian Constitution 

Bandharan test 

Total marks - 15

Level - Hard 

Like tax revenue, non-tax revenue is distributed in accordance with the 7th Schedule of the Constitution of India.  As per the seventh list, the sources of non-tax revenue of the Center include Railways, Currency, Banking, Communications, Post, Escheat, Public Enterprises of the Center etc.  While the sources of non-tax revenue of the state include forest, fisheries, irrigation, public enterprises of the state etc.y bill or amendment in either House of Parliament without the recommendation of the President, altering the meaning of the term or imposing any surcharge on the preceding provisions of this chapter for the purpose of the treaty or affecting the principles under which money is to be distributed to states under any pre-provision of this chapter.  

Cannot be proposed.n this paragraph "a tax or duty which is in the interest of the States" or - a) a tax or duty which the total net income or any part thereof is to be handed over to a State; orB) The tax or duty which is to be paid to a State at that time from the Consolidated Fund of India, irrespective of its net income. requiring President's recommendation in advance for bills affecting taxes in the interest of the States:icle-2: Deducting or modifying taxes or duties which are in the interest of the States or as defined for the purposes of the Income-tax Acts of India.Man has made rivers and pierced the mountains. 

ભારતનું બંધારણ ટેસ્ટ 1

ભારતનું બંધારણ ટેસ્ટ 2

ભારતનું બંધારણ ટેસ્ટ 3


The depths of the seas have been opened and the desert has been made a paradise.  Humans assume it dies.  But it is important to fight and fight for it.  Arunima's life is an excellent example of this.  Arunima climbed Mount Everest in Asia.  Kilimanjaro of Africa and Abrus of Europe;  But she is still running with her prosthetic legs.  Don't get tired, don't lose, new peaks are surging.  He keeps singing songs ... "Abhi abhi maine langha hai samandaron ko abhi to poora asaman baki hai"

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